The Sacred Prayer Stick of Homa
Our temple offers Gomagi for individuals to write down their wishes or prayers for deceased ones.
Gomagi prayer sticks are sacred sticks on which you can write down your wishes or prayers and serve the function of bringing a godsent solution in response to the wishes written on them. Those sacred sticks will be sent and burned
in the Sacred Fire Rites held in Agon Shu’s Main Temple in Japan.
There are two types of gomagi prayer sticks.

Personal Prayer Stick
By writing the Personal Prayer Sticks, you can seek Buddha’s divine assistance in granting your earnest wishes.
Those sticks, upon being written, will naturally be filled with desires and karma. And, when they are burned in the Holy Fire of Wisdom, the karma and desires chained to your wishes will also be burned, releasing one to an alternative destiny in which your dreams come true in an ideal and positive way according to the Lord Buddha.

Memorial Prayer Stick

The function of the Memorial Prayer Stick is to invite Buddha's light of salvation to shine on your deceased ancestors or any soul whom you wish repose and happiness after death.
Simple moments of silence are not enough to ease their suffering, but the warm light from the Buddha Realm can dissolve their hysterical emotions, alleviate their suffering, and guide them in the life ahead. Write the memorial prayer sticks for your loved ones who passed. Your immense help will be repaid, changing your fate for good.

Price: You can write gomagi prayer stick at the donation fee of your choice.
Come visit our temple to write on your Gomagi.
If you cannot pay your visit and write in person, we can write down your wishes or prayers on your behalf. For that, please send us an email with your wish(es), name(s), and age(s) along with the e-Transfer with the respective fee.